Current Volunteer Opportunities
Fern Bluff PTA needs YOU to make a BIG impact in our community!
Check out some of our current needs below as they are continually being updated. Whether you're giving time or donating items, your contributions go a long way to help support our school!
THANK YOU for your help!
Spring Book Fair Volunteers
Come be a part of the Fern Bluff Spring Book Fair! Our book fair only runs smoothly because of volunteers like you, and we need lots of help! We need help Friday with set up, Monday to assist as students make their wishlists, and help throughout the fair with cash registers and helping stock items. Check out available times on the signup!

Work Room Volunteers
Do you have 30 minutes to spare? Extra time to kill before work or just want to help out?! Come volunteer in the workroom at Fern Bluff! All your copying, stapling, and laminating dreams will come true! :) Every little bit helps the teachers out tremendously, so any time you can donate will be helpful!
Sign up here to volunteer.
Not sure what to do? Check out these training videos: 1) General Tutorial & 2) Laminator Tutorial

Choir Volunteers
Help Mrs. Cantwell with performances and the 4th & 5th grade Musicats Choir Rehearsals. A parent volunteer is needed to assist each week during the Musicats rehearsals. For upcoming performances, we need 2 parent volunteers to help students find their places and 6 student member volunteers to be door greeters and ushers. Sign up to help today!
Sign up for 4th & 5th Grade Musicats Rehearsals

Library Volunteers
Help Mrs. McDonough keep books in the hands of our kids by shelving books, maintaining bookshelves, and helping out with the book fair each semester. Whether you are able to volunteer weekly or for special events, we are thankful for our volunteers and their contributions that make such a difference for our school!
Sign up here to volunteer in the library!

Bulletin Board Volunteers
Keep our PTA Bulletin Board up to date with important events happening on campus. The bulletin board gets changed out once a month, typically between the 1st & 7th of the month according to the recommended theme. Please contact Lori Pierce with any questions.
Sign up here to volunteer.

Marquee Volunteers
Help keep our Bobcat community informed by updating our marquees in front and behind the school with upcoming events. The marquees are updated on Mondays (or Tuesdays if Monday is a holiday). Updates will be emailed and/or texted to the volunteer on Sunday evening. Please contact Lori Pierce with any questions.
Sign up here to volunteer.

Clothes Closet Volunteers
The Clothes Closet is a non-profit overseen by the RRISD Council of PTA's that provides gently used clothing, new socks, and new underwear to any child within the district twice a year. There is no charge to parents. Volunteers and donations allow the Clothes Closet to exist! The Clothes Closet has two locations at Anderson Mill and Voigt Elementary Schools.
Sign up here to volunteer.
Learn more about the Clothes Closet.
Interested in leading or joining a committee, holding a chairperson role, or have a specific skill that you would like to offer? We would love to help you find your role! Fill out the interest form below and let us know! Thank you for being a volunteer!