Upcoming Events at Fern Bluff
Have pictures from events? Share them with us, and they could end up in the yearbook!

Math & Geography Superstars
Feb 1 - April 15
Help encourage your student in their Math and Geography skills by participating in the annual PTA program, Math & Geography Superstars. Sign up your child today to participate. Those who finish will enjoy a reward from the PTA.

Multicultural Night
Wednesday, February 5, 5:30-7pm
Come learn about other cultures from fellow Fern Bluff families and performances by students and clubs. Watch dances, eat foods from other countries, and learn more about our Fern Bluff community. Want to represent your culture? Just fill out this form to let us know how you want to participate. All students are invited to decorate a paper doll to represent their culture or a culture they are interested in. Please return them by Friday, January 31.
Spring Book Fair
Monday, Feb 10 - Friday, Feb 14
Get ready to grab some SWEET READS at our Scholastic Book Fair February 10-14th! You can get a jump on all the fun and/or volunteer at the links below.
Volunteer: https://evite.me/wGkUzcgGpq
Scholastic: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/fernbluff
*Shop online OR set up an e-wallet for your child. You can print out the e-wallet barcode for your student, but we can also pull it up on the registers if they let us know. Library staff will help students spend as close to the total amount on the eWallet as possible. Cash and cards are also accepted.

Valentine's Day
Class Parties
Friday, February 14
schedule coming soon
Students will celebrate Valentine's Day with a class party on Friday, February 14. Parents are invited to attend and should RSVP beforehand to have a badge preprinted. More info coming soon with the schedule. Check with the homeroom parent or teacher on ways to help.

PTA Membership Meeting
Thursday, February 20, 6:30pm
Fern Bluff Library
Learn what is coming up next for the Fern Bluff PTA and hear from Principal Floyd at our first PTA Membership Meeting on Thursday, February 20 at 6:30pm in the Fern Bluff Library. This is a great way to meet other parents and find out how you can be a part of making our school the outstanding school it is. The class with the most adults attending will earn a party! Activities and supervision provided for kids.
Have pictures from events? Share them with us, and they could end up in the yearbook!